August 11th, 2009

Ah... sorry 'bout that everybody. I promised the pictures would be up yesterday, but they weren't. I had trouble uploading them to my Photobucket account (the imagehost that lets me post my pictures here). I could only upload one picture at a time, and it simply took me too long. Wasn't done by midnight yesterday, so I decided to wait for today. Still took quite a while to upload the pictures today. Even the compressed versions. By the way, if you want me to upload higher resolution of any of the pictures, just tell me, and I'll do so^^

Some of you might already have seen the pictures that my classmates have uploaded to FaceBook, and to those of you, these probably won't be a lot of new pictures, we've all been the same places, and seen almost the same stuff. You might also notice that the pictures on FaceBook, is better quality, or most of them at least. Quite a few people brought some pretty awesome cameras. But as far as I'm concerned, we'll all be sharing pictures when we get back anyway. I believe that's what they did last year.

So! The pictures: (clicking the thumbnails won't make them bigger, that's the size of the pictures, I compressed them quite a bit:P)

The trip to Fraser, by Barge


Random pictures taken after leaving the barge


Lake McKenzie




(the teachers and some of the students at the beach of the lake)


From the first camp in the forest
(a goanna! There were actually a few of them, but I decided to just upload one. There were a few at the second camp as well)(clicking this one WILL make it bigger... I forgot to compress it)


The walk to Pine Valley


Lake Wabby Sandblown

I recorded some videos there as well, on a classmate's camera, just waiting to get them^^

Middle Rocks
(Indian Head visible, the big cliff)



From Indian Head


(Wabby Point, out there)


(from up Indian Head, not actually allowed to go that close, but we did anyway)



Sandblown near 2nd camp
(obligatory sunset picture, was a little too late actually, but that was because of my little walkabout^^)

(Unfortunately I couldn't get a proper picture up there. The three guys in the picture (from left: Kasper, Emil and Johan) and I were the only four people to go up there. The view was incredible. The hillside behind those three was almost vertical, and below was a lot of trees, simply awesome)

Waiting for the boat
(Blue Soldier Crab, I believe, there were a ton of them at the beach in Kingfisher Bay. When you walked out (low tide) the entire beach moved)

Last shot for this time. Not a lot, I guess, but the others aren't much different. Unfortunately, I am, once again, out of time. Midnight here and yet another school day tomorrow. And gym. Will tell about some of the other stuff tomorrow, of if I have problems again, sometime later. I have other stuff to do after all:P

So, see ya

4 kommentarer:

Nikolai Øllegaard August 12, 2009 at 2:55 AM  


Godt nok ærgerligt du ikke var på Danmarks Smukkeste festival sammen med mig og Asbjørn. Godt nok er billederne fantastisk smukke, men det er jo ikke en Bøgeskov fuld af musik ;)

Kom jo lige hjem her den 9. og så skole den 10. -så har først lige checket bloggen her idag.

Dani August 12, 2009 at 9:06 AM  

Ville sgu også gerne have været på Skanderborg:P

Nikolai Øllegaard August 14, 2009 at 12:04 AM  

[Australsk:] Next year mate, eh?


Dani August 14, 2009 at 8:06 AM  

Aye, nex' year

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