July 30th, 2009

Another update!

No pictures this time, but will add some next week, once I get back from Fraser Island. Leaving Tuesday and back again Friday. Should have brought the big backpack we have back in Denmark, but of course I had to forget it... oh well, one of our teachers mentioned the possibility of being able to use a bag, that the school owned. Can't be bothered to bring my suitcase. Would be too much trouble.

Anyway, Monday was workout day. Went great, no problems. Tuesday, my right foot/ankle hurt as hell. Mathis and some of the others went to the beach, I had to go home, as my foot had to get some rest, too bad... was in bed the rest of the day with my leg on a pillow. Wasn't so bad though, was over by Wednesday. Spent most of the night helping Jesper checking out new mobiles. He's been having trouble with his own, haven't been able to text on it. To begin with, he just wanted a simple, cheap one. He moved towards smart-phones/multimedia-phones now though, and the one we found (he actually found it, as the first one he had in mind, we just researched what the alternatives were) was the Nokia XpressMusic 5800. Pretty decent, really. Pretty good for playing music, and decent for videos as well, even if it can't play a lot of different types. Went to the gym Wednesday as well, didn't go nearly as well as Monday. Gonna have to change a few things on my program... annoying. Didn't do much else Wednesday. Except I (and a ton of other guys in my class) started playing Pokémon again. I have 18 Pokémon games on my computer, and we thought It'd be fun to play some of the old games. I also got an e-mail from my mother, who had forwarded it from my doctor back in Denmark, Ivan Hvid. I had asked my mom to ask Ivan (I don't have his e-mail), when I was allowed to start running again. And guess what, now I can! 1 km a day for starters, and I have to stop if I feel any pain in my leg, take a break, and then continue once the pain has faded. So now I'm gonna have to buy some running shoes tomorrow. Planning on using the treadmill in gym. Would probably be the best thing to start with.

Thursday, Marine Studies, went snorkeling. Only problem, they didn't have any fins in my size. Well, they did have one fin, but that's not really a lot of help... Trevor (our teacher in the practical version of Marine Studies) said they'd buy some for next time. Marianna and Simon needed some as well, they found some others that fit fairly well though. I had to swim all day without fins. Wasn't so bad though. Didn't have to swim as far as the others, but I can definitely feel a change from the first time we went to the pool... thinking about buying my own mask and snorkel. The ones the Hervey Bay Aquatic Center have that we can use, aren't exactly great. The snorkel is actually kinda sharp, so it hurts your mouth, if you can't keep it still. Steven (our PADI instructor) apparently used to own a diving shop or something, so he might still be able to get mask and snorkel cheap. Had an appointment with a doctor today as well. Everybody who's taking PADI classes has to get approved by a doctor. I was actually a little nervous whether I'd pass or not, due to my leg an all, but there were no problems at all. It took a little longer than it usually would, the test that is. I made it anyway. Two of my classmates failed the test, because they had asthma, even though it had been ages since they last had a seizure. They'll most likely be getting their money back. Sure hope so... 

So tomorrow, shopping! And PADI lessons. Weekend: my first confined water dive! With all the scuba equipment on. Looking forward to that. Don't know if it will be Saturday or Sunday yet.

I'll probably update again Monday, the day before Fraser, and then again when we get back. Have to get up early Tuesday... have to be at TAFE at 6.15...


July 26th, 2009

So, the pictures I promised. Not a lot, I guess, but there are a few. I'm in none of them, as I took all of them. With my mobile:P I guess I could grab some pictures some of my classmates took, and post them here as well, I didn't really take a lot of pictures from the flight downunder, but I know some people did. Not gonna be a long post today, pretty much just the links, and a thing or two:P

1st: the pictures:

My room 1 Pretty obvious, my room:P
My room 2
Urangan Pier 1 Pics of the Urangan Pier. As you can see, it's pretty darn long, and they're building it longer. Apparently it was used to bring stuff to and from the big ships bringing supplies, that couldn't get close to shore. The stuff was brought to and from the ship by train. Part of the pier was torn down years ago, so now they're rebuilding it. 
Urangan Pier 2
Urangan Pier 3

Walk Home 1 The way we walk home every day. Have had better views, but I tend to either forget all about taking pics, or my mobile has run out of battery. We have around 1.5km from TAFE to Centro, where we get on a bus, and 1.5km from Boar Harbour to Wyuna Court 10. Quite a walk, but at least I'm getting some workout^^

Walk Home 2
Walk Home 3
Walk Home 4
TAFE 1 Pictures from TAFE. 1st picture: the W Block, Center For English Development or something. There are a few asian classes in W as well, but none of them are gonna stay as long as us. (the guy in the pic is a classmate)
TAFE 2 2nd: Classmates  messing around. Throwing a football, tackling whoever catches it
TAFE 3 3rd: On the other side of the road. We usually eat over there, and the cantine is there as well. Pretty much everything in there has been fried... smells of grease. 
PADI Stuff 1 So... apparently this is all you need to get a PADI liscence
PADI Stuff

Wyuna Court 10 This is where I live. Not the best pic. And yea, it is as small as it looks^^

Now, I realize the pictures are kinda small, but I decided to compress them, so it wouldn't take ages to upload them. You can all see the big pics later if ya want. Also, pictures aren't great, I know, but they're not of anything special anyway. Have more pics, but can't be bothered to upload them right now^^


Note: seems I forgot to compress one of the pictures... oh well

July 22nd, 2009

Another update! Been a while since the last time it seems.

The last couple of days we've been looking for a guy called Michael, who's the gym manager. We needed to talk to him about paying for the gym. We were supposed to get a special price, 'cause we're international students, and will only be here for 5 months. Actually, it's been more than the last couple of days, it's been since we first heard of him, one of the first days. Mathis, Jesper and I actually had an appointment with him one day, but he didn't show up, so we had some other guy make our program. Nick, I think. Oh well, we met him today anyway. So the price for all 5 months will be $70, which is the price usual TAFE students pay for 3 months. Pretty cheap, think that's what it costs in Denmark, for 1 month or so...

Anyway, we've been talking to th PADI instructor as well, and quite a few people dropped out. Only 10 people left now, who're gonna get a PADI liscense. The instructor wanted to raise the price to $400, or so, but we made him keep it at $350. Most of the remaining would quit if the price was raised, and so would I.

Oh, and I mentioned a busy saturday, last time. It went pretty well. Swimming was easier this time, and I was actually able to swim<.<>

So, first training session today as well. Our program isn't that great, actually. Waaaay too focused on the arms, in my opinion. Not enough on chest/stomach/back. Legs are fine, quite a few exercises for those as well. Could do the entire program in a little more than an hour, so did an extra set of some of the exercises, and did some exercises that weren't on our program, and talked to some of the instructors. Nice guys. Marine Studies tomorrow, wonder how that will go, my arms are pretty tired at the moment. Oh well.

I believe I promised somebody to put up some pictures last weekend. I forgot. And... I don't really have any pictures on my computer to put up at the moment... will upload some this weekend though. Once I take some of the school, still haven't gotten around to that.

Anyway, guess I'll see ya next time then^^

Anything you wanna know, ask^^


Time table

Decided to add my timetable:P Just click on it for the full size. In case you can't see, the blue is Marine Studies. Mathis made this in Excel 2007, and apparently it messed up a little with dark background+dark text.

July 17th, 2009

So, update time!

Had some trouble with the internet connection two days after the last update. Seems Dulcie turned off the router by accident<.<>

First week of school done. It's been interesting. Pretty easy to understand the teachers - as expected - probably much harder for the teachers to understand the Danish students - also as expected - even more as some of them keep speaking Danish in classes. The teachers seem pretty nice. I especially like our Physics teacher:P He came back from teaching at a university, just to teach us. The guy's crazy. Awesome, really. He makes jokes all the time, and he really seems to be into his stuff.

Our Maths' teacher, Haiyi Wu, is pretty cool as well. He's from China, which some of you could probably guess from the name, I've been told he's the best mathematician in Australia. We've only had him for two lessons, but he seems like a pretty good teacher. Gives us lots of notes, and example of how to solve the assignments he gives us. He asked us whether we wanted to be in a Math contest as well. All high level students on TAFE doesn't have a choice, and have to go, but we have a choice. Thinking about going. Even if I don't do so well on the test (:P) I'll get a diploma anyway. Might be a nice addition for applying to uni^^

So, Mathis and I started riding the bus from school everyday. We bought a ticket that allows us to ride any bus anywhere between Centro (a center arounr 1km from school) and Boat Harbour (a... boat harbour... around 1km from home, I think). Cost us $12AUD. Pretty cheap. A normal ticket is $2.40, but if just flash our student ID, we can get it for $1.80. A lot cheaper than back in Denmark... unfortunatly the last bus leaves at 18.09, and after that... we'll have to call a cab.

Today we also met some of the year 12 students from TAFE. They all seem pretty nice, I guess. Didn't talk to a lot of them. Some of the teachers had arranged some activities. Was pretty fun, but the guy I was paired with, Clinton, didn't talk much. Oh well.

Been to the gym as well. Thursday. Talked to some of the instructors, got an appointment at 16. Didn't have any clothes to work out it, so had to go to Centro to get some, Mathis needed some stuff as well. Then back to Tafe, get a tour on all of the machines, have our (was Mathis, Jesper and me, we were the first ones down there, the others couldn't get appointments) programs made, and just chill a bit. Then back to Centro, get the bus to Boat Harbour, and then walk all the way home... was pretty tired when I got home. Lots of walking, on top of working out and swimming(for the first time in at least 2½ year o.O)

Busy day tomorrow. Going swimming at Hervey Bay Aquatic Center at 11.00(Marine Studies made us all how terrible shape we're in, when it comes), BBQ at Lars' place (a friend of mine, in case I haven't mentioned him before, and it's his homestay family's place, I guess) at around 13. Then we're going to Centro to watch Harry Potter at 18 (we can get the tickets for $9 with our Danish student ID, $10 with our Australian:P)

See ya /wave

Note: Some pictures coming this weekend, if I remember it xD

July 13th, 2009

Oh dear, another update.

So, first day of school today. Wasn't really school though, was mostly just information, rules and stuff.

Anyway, school started at 8, and we barely made it. Road work just infront of the school, slowed us down a bit. We weren't the last to show up though.

Had some time to just talk to the others, though. Allan Perry (our Chemistry teachers and apparently he's head of the program) was late, 'cause his car had starting problems. Was great meeting my other classmates again. Sucks being so far from everything<.<

Seems everybody else had had a great weekend^^ When Allan showed up, he started telling us about some rules at school, stuff about bullying and harassment. Nothing special really

Angie (a kind of tutor) gave us lots of papers to fill out again. Once we had filled those, a guy from a nearby... diving school (not sure) came in and told us about the PADI certificate, about the things we could experience, prices, what the lessons would be like and then he showed us a video. Prices: PADI certificate - $380, $350 if more than 8 people are gonna get it, Medical Certificate (or something) - $50-$60. Pretty cheap in my opinion. Will definitely get one, and I'm sure quite a few of my classmates will as well.

After the PADI guy... we had our morning tea, I think. Or maybe that was just before... don't remember, doesn't matter anyway. Lots of cake, fruit and biscuits. And tea/coffee/juice. Unfortunatly, we probably won't get that every day. It was nice though. Then we had a police liaison show up. She told us about some laws in Hervey Bay. Knew all of it from home anyway; not allowed to drink unless you're 18+, no drinking in public AT ALL,  never go alone after dark (apparently some lads think they're pretty tough when the sun goes down), never leave belongings or drinks unattended. Told us some stuff about what to do if we were assaulted/robbed. Gave us a folder as well. Not much different from Denmark, or any other country I think. We HAVE to wear a helmet when we're on a bike though. Pretty damn annoying... guess I just have to get used to that as well.

Dulcie drove us to school today, and picked us up as well. We'll be riding the bus home tomorrow though. Was a little annoying that we had to go when Dulcie picked us up. Some of our classmates went to get new sim-cards for their mobiles and after that, to the beach. Mathis and I couldn't really go, as Dulcie came and picked us up. Will be easier just to take the bus then. $1.5 pr. ticket, less if you buy them in a bulk. We might ride the bus to school as well, but we haven't decided yet.

Not sure what's left to say about today:P except... we had t-bone steaks for dinner!

July 11th, 2009

Another post it seems!

2nd day in Hervey Bay, 3rd day in Australia. There's a big clock in my room... the ticking is pretty loud - and it's 3 hours early... - so I had trouble falling asleep. I guess it's just something I have to get used to:P

Porrigde for breakfast, tasted pretty good actually, dunno whether Matthis liked it, but I did. Got up at around 8. Didn't sleep too well, mostly 'cause of the clock. I think I'll get used to it though. She asked if I wanted it down, but I said no:P

The bathroom is kinda strange. It's split. The toilet is in a room at the end of a hallway, and the sink, the tub and the shower is in a room in the in the middle of the hallway, kinda strange, and slightly annoying.

She's using tank water down here, so all the water we drink has to be filtered. wAt least we just have to pull a tab on the sink in the kitchen, and the water gets filtered. Still kinda strange though.

After breakfast Matthis and I decided to go outside and take a look around. The homestay families has to give us some bikes down here, unfortunatly they're not exactly in good shape. They're both pretty old. Mine doesn't have any gears, and it's got footbreaks or whatever they're called. Matthis got gears, but they're pretty rusty so they might not work anyway. Almost no air in the tires, so we're gonna have to go get a pump tomorrow. We tried today, but we didn't get very far before we gave up. Decided we'd rather walk. We don't really know the area too well yet, so walking was a little easier:P

Anyway, we went down to the beach, and followed the beach to the Turist Terminal, through that, and to the beach again. They have some pretty nice beaches here, at least the ones we were at. Lots of corals and shells 'n' stuff as well.

We went pretty far, actually, along the esplanade. Not all the way, of course, way too long for that, especially when we don't really know the area. We went to the Urangan pier. Was pretty long actually. They're rebuilding it at the moment. Apparently some of it was torn down, and now they're rebuilding it. Part of a larger renovation of some parts of the city, I've heard. Lots of people fishing out there as well.

We were home about 13.40 or something, and Dulcie wasn't home, so we sat down outside, and waited. About half an hour later she returned, and with a friend of hers. Gwen, I think. Old lady, older than Dulcie.

Then we had lunch (she called it dinner), and Dulcie took us for a tour around city. Went through Urangan, Tourquay, Point Vernon and Eli Waters. Maybe some more, but those were the signs I saw. So pretty much along the water all the way, and all the way along the Esplanade. She gave us some good hints about restaurants and shops and stuff. Told us to stay off the bike trail after dark as well. They don't want a repeat of what happened last year, even though that didn't happen on the bike trail.

Talked to Jesper today as well. Seems he's gotten into a pretty nice homestay. They've been all over town today, looking at stuff. Says he's taken 134 pictures or something today. He lives pretty close to a lot of our classmates (lucky bastard), we live... well pretty far from evertbody. Probably around a 10min drive, in car...

Actually looking forward to school. The students who went to Hervey Bay last year, said the first weekend would be tough, and it sure has been so far... we'll be getting our new mobile numbers and such this monday, so I can actually get in touch with my classmates, without both of us being on the computer.

This episode turned out to be pretty long as well... oh well:P Might upload some pictures soon, but the wireless has a maximum of 5 gigabyte usage so...

Tune in next time!


Note: About the pets. I can't tell the difference between the two cats... but they both jump into my lap and my bed. One of the dogs, Spot, seems pretty damn hyperactive. She's a pretty small dog, a couple of years old, and annoying as hell. Wants to be near a person all the time, licks your finger, hand and face all the time. Ignoring her doesn't help, you have to push it away.

The 2nd dog, Beans (I think, maybe Beanso), I forgot what the race is called, but it's a small white dog with a lot of hair. Nicer than Spot, still a little too much of an attention-seeker for my taste.

The last dog is Jessie (or Jessy or whatever). She's my favourite:P She's 12 years old, and very shy. Dulcie told us it'd probably take some to win her to our side, but it didn't take so long^^ she came up to me and put her front paw on my leg today:P Jessie's a... well I dunno what race she is, but I guess she looks a litte like a VERY short german shephard. Forgot what that race is called.

July 10th, 2009

So... yea... my blog. Well, these next couple of months, I'll be in Australia and this is the main reason I'm making this blog. So, a little about the trip downunder.

Got up at... 5.45 this wednesday, and got ready to leave for Tirstrup Airport at 6.45. Of course I had to forget something, so we had to go back and fetch "Kongens Fald", a book I have to read for Danish classes. We made it to the airport in time anyway. Said my goodbyes, and checked in. Had to wait an hour or so till we could board the plane, at about 10.

That flight lasted about 35min. When we reached Copenhagen, we had to wait 4 hours in the airport... of course everything had to be expensive, and we didn't really have anything to do.

At 14.45 or so, we boarded the plane to Bangkok. A Boeing 747 or something. That was the longest flight of my life... I was seated next to Jesper (a friend of mine). There were three seats in the row, but nobody sat in the middle, so we just used that seat as a storage. We sat right next to the "kitchen", and the smell was kinda bad... fortunatly we had a screen pretty close to us (weren't a lot of those in the plane), so we watched whetever they showed. The only good movie they showed was Monsters vs. Aliens.

The flight was about 9 hours and 45 mins. Tried to sleep on the way, but it was kinda hard. Not sure when we reached Bangkok, but we boarded the plane to Sydney at about 7.25 local time (about 2.30 GMT+1)

The flight to Sydney was much better. Not sure if it was another Boeing 747, or another plane, but we each had our own screen this time! Was actually a touch-screen, but the touch thing... didn't really work, so we used the remote instead. They had some pretty good movies we could watch, and there were games (single- and multiplayer), so most of us spent the time with those (I won in multiplayer Tetris! And I got the highscore in singleplayer:P).

Didn't plan on sleeping on that flight - to avoid jetlag, I'd rather sleep when we reached the hotel in Sydney - but I did anyway. We reached Sydney at... around 22, I think, got through security without trouble. Was raining in Sydney when we arrived, but it stopped pretty quickly. When we got to the hotel, it was straight to bed, everybody was pretty tired.

Got our wake-up call, at 6.50, ate breakfast, and then off to the airport, for our flight 9.55 to Hervey Bay. Took a couple of hours.

When we reached Hervey bay, David aka Doc gave us a small tour around some of the places in Hervey Bay, and drove us to the college we'll be attending. We got some lunch (sandwiches), and then we were taken for a tour around the college, and we got some information, and at around 15(local time), our homestay families came to pick us up.

The next 5 months I'll be living with Dulcie. Matthis (classmate) will be living at the same place as me. Not sure how old she is, I haven't asked. She's got 3 dogs and two cats, and one of the cats are lieing in my bed as I'm typing this:P

Matthis and I have each got our seperate rooms, Matthis gave me the biggest one, so I have a TV and a double sized bed or whatever it's called in English. The house is decent, I guess, but a little messy. Dulcie's got the biggest Samsung plasma TV I've seen by the way o.O

So, the first impressions were good, I guess. The weather's nice, it was very windy today though - Doc says it usually never gets this windy, even in winter - and around 20C.

I guess that was it for today, I'll probably be updating the blog once or twice a week, the first week I might update it more often, and some weeks I might not update it an all, have some holidays where we'll be going elsewhere, and I can't stay at the computer all the time^^

You shouldn't expect every update to be this long either, this will prolly be the only one of this length, 'cause it's the first.

I apologize on any spelling/grammar mistakes, but I can't be bothered to fix them right now.

See ya /wave

Note: The blog shout be readable and comment-able by everyone, but I would prefer if people signed in or created an account, so I can actually see who made what comment. I'll most likely be messing with the layout of the blog the next couple of days as well, so it doesn't look so generic. I might make a Danish version of the blog as well, for my family in Denmark^^

Aaaand... sorry 'bout the length of the first post<.<