Time for another update. Seems it's every Monday at the moment. Guess that's fine. I wonder how many people are still reading this, it's not like it's extremely exciting at the moment. Haven't really been doing a lot lately, the usual really. School, gym, homework (tons of that), eating, being with friends, chatting. I know I promised pictures this time but... next time, I promise! Not as many assessments left to hand in before the spring break. Finished 1 Chemistry report, 1 English essay, 1 International Technology & Culture presentation, 1 English presentation, 1 Marine Studies presentation. So one Chemistry assignment left, History of Technology report/presentation and another English essay. At least I don't have to stress anymore
The next couple of weeks will be expensive, but the spring-break is gonna be awesome. We haven't ordered anything yet, as we still need to be 100% sure who wants to come. People are lazy though, expecting everything to arranged for them. So far 16 or so have signed up, and we know there are more who're planning to come.We're gonna be discussing it in Mentor class tomorrow.
FINALLY we're getting somewhere with our scuba diving. Been weeks since the last dive, and we still haven't done our Open Water Dive. We actually need more than one of those, but we've only got one weekend left before Whitsunday, and we need our license before that. Wouldn't really be any point in getting a PADI license if we can't use it at the Great Barrier Reef, would there...?
So anyway we (not me personally) discussed it with him, and he decided that we'd do 4 dives this coming weekend. I think we'll be split in two groups, so each group will do a dive each day. 4 dives in a weekend is more than we're allowed to. It'll be great to finally do the Open Water Dive. Even if we had been invited to a party that weekend... but no alcohol the days before a dive! Won't be able to equalize, and it's much more likely you'd get decompression sickness, and we can't have any of that. There'll be plenty of that in Whitsunday and Goldcoast anyway^^
Was at a party this Saturday as well. At a girl named Brooke's place. Never saw much of her, really, she mainly stayed in her room with a few friends... was fun though. Not putting any details on the blog though:P
Started with some taste testing (tasted some juice/energy drink called Mona Vie or something), and then moved to another house. We were home pretty early, actually. Apparently they have to stop the parties early down here. Some of the others went to clubs and such instead, I couldn't, as I'm not 18, so we were home at about 00.30.
Guess that's about it for this time, I'd better get back to doing maths. It's getting easier and easier... /sigh
Anyway, see ya /wave
2 kommentarer:
"... was fun though. Not putting any details on the blog though:P"
Uhh juicy details? Rawr! *claw*
Oh yeah and I'm reading your blog! OR atleast reading the end of it and post comments!
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